It is the 50th day of school. In celebration, the school had 50s day. You should have seen all the poodle skirts at the bus stop. Wish I had taken my camera to the bus stop. I like 50s style!!!
This summer we stayed with some friends in Nashville that own an awesome website called Uville. It is a safe game website for kids....check it out.
We had our first sleepover party! Colter is always wanting to have friends to spend the night, so I decided to have them all at once.......8 of them. It was crazy, but fun! All the boys were so good and were actually all asleep by 1 A.M. They swam, had a silly string war and then Wii time and a movie. Then, more swimming today! Happy Birthday Colter!
Colter just turned 10!!! I cannot believe it. The day we were leaving Alabama was Colter's birthday (July 5th). We went to church, had a small celebration with some of his favorite people, and jumped in the car to head back to Texas. This is the second time we have left Alabama on Colter's birthday. While we were having the party Trent said he wants to have his party in Alabama. As much as I would like to....I don't see that happening. We are having a party with his Texas friends this next week at the drive-in. I guess this will be Colter's birthday month! You only turn 10 once!
All my boys made my Mother's Day great! They gave me some cute homemade cards and some homemade projects from school. They also gave me an alarm clock that docks my iphone and ipod. We really had a nice day....that evening I met my mom, dad and sister and treated my mom for her Mother's Day. I feel so blessed!!!
Last week Colter was in a cup stacking tournament and won 2nd place. He did such a fabulous job! We are so proud of our little cup stacker. Love you Colter!!!
Zander turned four years old today. We had a Spiderman party at the park with lots of family, friends and fun. Zander is the perfect birthday boy.....he is so happy about everything and has a blast no matter what he is doing.
The other day Trent and I were jumping on the trampoline and realized there was some major static electricity going on. I ran in to get the camera to capture the moment. I cannot believe how far our hair was sticking out!!!